Cult of Pedagogy
What it’s About
The “Cult of Pedagogy” podcast is hosted by Jennifer Gonzalez. It’s a resource-rich show for educators at all levels. It covers a wide variety of topics, including teaching strategies, classroom management, educational technology, and professional development. The podcast features interviews with experts, educators, and authors who provide insights and practical tips to help teachers improve their practice and student outcomes. Episodes delve into specific challenges and solutions in education, such as building better collaboration between families and schools, supporting English learners, and integrating culturally responsive teaching methods (Cult of Pedagogy) (Cult of Pedagogy) (Apple).
Why I Like It
I want to be an awesome teacher in the classroom, and at home. This podcast gives me tools and perspective to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and arsonal of strategies. I haven’t listened to many of them yet, but I’m working my way through.