Competency of Instruction of Academic Language
Build a Fair Activity

Demonstration of Competency
The “Build a Fair” project allowed students to practice measurement, perimeter, area, and shapes. I gave some examples to teach the concepts and let students create their own elements. I added pieces of this project to the daily curriculum slides so students could complete it at their own pace. This project gave students the chance to use academic vocabulary and practical application.
Future Modifications
Depending on the subject matter, I would modify this for future use by using specific shapes on each page. I would also emphasize the vocabulary of perimeter and area more.
Evidential Artifact: Differentiated Instruction

Foam Tiles and Number lines
For this artifact, I created a number line and some foam numbers that could be used as manipulatives. For various reasons, some students in the class have difficulty writing. Using a number line and easily manipulated foam numbers and fractions allowed these students to follow along with the lesson.
Competency Demonstrated
Using this manipulative method, students can show their work without having to work on handwriting skills simultaneously. A few students benefited from using them.
Future Modifications
In the future, I would laminate the number lines and separate them into a flip chart, which would make it more manageable. I would also find a way to use this strategy to demonstrate knowledge for exit tickets and other assessments.
Evidential Artifact: Competency in Educational Technology to Engage Students
A Collection of Words

I used Lightspeed to send links to students and monitor classroom computer activities for this lesson. The lesson started with watching a reading of the book “The Word Collector” on YouTube. Next, I sent students the link to, and they looked up words that are synonyms and antonyms for the word walk. Finally, we used Google Slides to make an anchor chart as a class. Students were asked to look for words that stood out during the read-aloud. We used those words to create an anchor chart and look up alternative words.
Future Modifications
Next time, I would prepare some simple words ahead of time. I would also have a more ordered system for students to collect Chromebooks. I might also try creating a Google Doc, which all students can add as they find information.